My presentation was completed using pdf's so I am sorry, I have no idea how to attach it as a single file. If anyone can tell me, I will edit this post so it is in the correct format. Since I misplaced the notes Carlos took for me during my crit, here is the feedback I remember:
Develop water feature in the site plan and how it will relate to my building.
Explore if the water feature will be enough to hold the corner so I can bring the wall back.
Sustainable ideas need to be developed further.
Further develop the glass wall and how it engages the program. (Show loggia between it and residences).
Graphics read well for this part of the design process.
And that's about all I remember. Please fill in the rest if there were any other comments that anyone else remembers. I know we were all struggling to stay awake! One of the things I started looking at is the shape of the exhibition hall. I think it might be stronger if I allow it be the same shape as the classrooms above so when looking in plan view it becomes a fourth piece. Maybe the second floor can actually come out and use that space as an outdoor studio space? So for the next few days I plan to be working on:
Site design and purpose of glass wall. I also need to finish working on fenestration since it was more of an afterthought in the wee hours of the morning. I am anxious to try and keep the momentum going. I thought the entire week was very productive and hope to live up to the expectations! Hope everyone got some sleep after a safe trip home!
I'm sorry about the notes! You wouldn't being able to read them anyways with my "chicken scratch" hand writing. Ha! Overall you had a very strong presentation, your building really stood up, especially the studio spaces. I really like your scheme a lot, I just wish our site offered better view on the direction the studios are facing. On your free standing wall you might consider having integrated PV into the glass to take advantage of the souther exposure. You may also explore an alternate material for it, like metal mesh? This one would create a really cool effect from what you see from Boylston St.
I like your site analysis and block streetscape sheets. This does an excellent job of informing you about the site and the surrounding environment. The green strategies sheet was particularly effective also. Nice Job!
I would add lines to your bubble diagrams to elaborate on the connections between the spaces. Right now it seems like a diagram of mutual proximity. Lines and other graphics would help to delineate the physical and visual connections.
The conference room which is labeled outside of your offices on the lower level and first floor serves more as a hallway. I would revisit this if you would really like this to function as a conference room.
I like your building sections and perspectives because they give you a good sense of the project. I look forward to seeing these continue to develop.
I like how the building seems to be reaching for the buildings across the highway, almost as if trying to heal the gap. The one thing I question is a water feature on the exterior of the building. It might be nice to explore the idea of having an area that is enclosed so that it can be enjoyed all year. I think you could have both inside and outside, maybe tying them together somehow. Also, with the glass wall, I agrees with Carlos about investigating alternate materials that could serve some other purpose.
I really love the structural honesty of your project, and it has an interesting precedent in the image of the buildings which used to be on site. In general this is an innovative use of building structure to achieve an open plan where it counts in the studio space.
The connection to Boylston street, and to pedestrian arrival on the site really needs to be examined. I intuitively kind of like the idea of the glass screen set at a distance from the building, but I don't quite understand how this relates to either the street or your building at this time.
The water feature sort of seems forced with respect to your program, I know you have something in mind with the freeway park in Seattle, but does it apply to your site, and does it relate to your building in a more than superficial manner?
Really work on how the green affects your building, you have a great diagram, but it doesn't really address how these systems are integrated with the building / program at this point.
Carlos, it's my fault for misplacing the notes. I don't know where I put them! I was already looking into PV on the glass wall. I hadn't really thought about the use of mesh yet but that might be nice to break up the scale of it. Scott, the conference room isn't really a conference room. I was thinking as more of an informal work station. Just thinking of my office experiences, there always seems to be some packets to put together, portfolios to review or such that would involve everyone and could use a common space. Tim, the water feature is a major issue right now. It will integrate with my design and concept. I will get you drawings and diagrams. I hadn't really thought about how it would tie into inside but that is one more thing I should consider. Steve, the comment about how the glass relates- this is where the concept comes in. I was looking at the individual components that make our learning experience unique and how it is all held together. I was looking at this wall as the overall picture for the program. (If that makes any sense! I am working on my verbal concept right now. It will get there!)
Thanks to everyone for the great comments!
Beyond the comments I have already emailed you I have the following to add:
1. Work on your site plan-access to parking & deliveries at lower level, drop off at main ent. & green space at corner of MA Ave.
2. Work on the layout of the lecture hall-more symetrical inside focused on the lecturn/screen (perhaps the exterior form rotates & detatches a bit more from the elev./toilet rm. mass. This will also play up the column-free nature more.
3. Work the front second skin--this would not be glass at the ground floor, show sun shading, PV, etc.
4. The big central stair should be rotated counterclockwise 90deg. so its more private and add a security desk.
Your project is very enjoyable to view and experience online. I am impressed with your graphics and your building ideas.
On your perspectives; nice work borrowing from the single speed design presentation with your scale changes in the metal material...creating your graphic effect on the exterior wall.
Your site analysis is also very informative. Good luck to you this semester and I will keep checking out your studio blog.
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